Congratulations to all Grade 5’s and 6’s that competed in the divisional cross country meet in Teulon on October 5th. A special congratulations to the grade 5 and 6 girls team for winning second place overall. Way to go!
BOO at the ZOO is back….!! October 7th – 30th – Assiniboine Park invites you to explore the Mystical Midway, Pumpkin Patch, Live Entertainment and many more BOO attractions DETAIL HERE
School Clothing is now available to order. Orders are due by May 30, 2022. Please see attached flyer for more information on how to place your online order.
TES will be participating in an online school survey for parents and guardians called OurSCHOOL Parent Survey. A copy of the letter was sent home with your child or can be viewed HERE . The survey is open from May 2 to May 13th. Thanks for taking the time to complete this important survey. Please visit: .
Please see attached documents for information regarding Covid-19 Immunization at Teulon Elementary School. Our school clinic will be held on February 3 from 1-3 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. at Teulon Elementary School. During school Hours (1-3pm)– This timeframe is for parents who return a consent form (to the school or directly to us via electronic consent) – this would mean you are consenting for your child to be immunized during school hours without the presence of the parent. No child will be… Read More