Rapid Test Kit Distribution
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With parents again at home with students, ISD is offering an extra level of support and connection with an online group for the next three Tuesday nights. This is a group for parents of students K-8 to be held on January 11, 18 & 25 @ 8:15 PM on Zoom.
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Please click above for a letter from Teulon Elementary regarding remote learning from January 10-14th, 2022.
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Reopening Plan for Teulon Elementary School 2021-2022
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Hope you enjoy reading our community report. Click here – Community Report . Have a safe and healthy summer!
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February saw TES students reading a grand total of 777 books! This means that every student gets to take one seedling home this week, and then plant one at school. Pansies, snap dragons, lemon balm, coleus, bachelor buttons, and sage were all neatly planted, packed, and labelled for shipment so keep an eye on your child’s backpack!
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As we approach the 100th day of school, February is a busy (not to mention exciting) month packed with activities to promote literacy, creativity, and friendship. Specifically, we know Valentine’s Day is one annual festivity on parents’ minds. Please note that to stay with in provincial expectations and guidelines, our classrooms will not be handing out Valentines in the traditional sense. We ask that you understand and respect our wishes to keep things safe, practical, and sensible for our school… Read More
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January 20, 2021 Early Dismissal Day
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From our school, to your home, Seasons Greetings to our T.E.S. families .
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